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How to Write New Year’s Resolutions That Stick

Sally Flower • December 16, 2019

It was the night before Christmas and your New Year’s resolutions shone bright. Once Christmas is through, it was time to put things right. But as January loomed the resolutions became fussy and by February/March they had all flown off in a flurry.

Sound familiar?

Fads like New Year’s resolutions never stick, but what if you could write a resolution that actually helped get your life organised, aligned with your values and improved your happiness? Simply changing the way you write your resolutions could have you by February/March on the road to your most fulfilling new year yet.

Tips To Successfully Writing Successful New Year Resolutions

1. Make It About You

Personal goal setting must light something inside of you. Goals are the flames or embers that fuel your desires and dreams. It is vital that goals come from your idea of success, not anyone else’s.

Kayla Itsines’ daily workout definitely sounds like a great idea, but if you don’t have a burning ember inside you craving a six-pack and exceptional hamstrings… then reach for something more you. Such as increased exercise and weekly workouts.

2. Play Big

My grandmother used to always say, I wish I became a teacher; I wish I learnt to play the piano. For a woman who was raised in the depression, these are reasonable comments. But now we are living in the land of plenty. There is no better time to dream.

Even if close family and friends would laugh at the thought of your trying to achieve such a wild goal, write it down. In fact, sometimes goals you are afraid to share are most successful.

When Eleanor Roosevelt said “do something every day that scares you” she was right. Dare to dream, there will be no “I wish I hads” at your 90th!

“Do something every day that scares you”

3. Create A Why

Humans are more driven when we know why we are working for an outcome.   Simon Sinich , motivational speaker and author of five books, says ‘ people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it ‘. And the same goes for our personal drivers, its not what you do, its why you do it.

In goal setting , there is a much higher chance of success when we can see the output connecting to the bigger picture, our values and internal drivers. 


Hence the importance of adding a why

It’s not what you do, it’s why you do it. 


For example, your goal might be to pay off your car. Which is a reasonable goal in itself, but to truly motivate you to increase the repayments and forgo other purchases such as holidays, winery weekends and nights out add a “so that”. 

Examples of goals with a why.
Goal: To Pay Off My Car

My 2020 goal is to pay off my car, so that….I no longer waste $1,000 on interest. 

My 2020 goal is to pay off my car so that….. I use the $1,000 saved on interest to help my little sister complete her TAFE course. 

My 2020 goal is to pay off my car so that…..I can give the $1,000 saved to subsidise my little sister’s education and support her to become financially independent.

POWERFUL  stuff huh!

Goal: To Organise My House

Let’s make one for your home sanctuary. First, get clear on why you are decluttering, visit KonMari Method 101 & read  Get Clear at What is the KonMari Method  for ideas, and then add your why.

My 2020 personal goal is to organise my home

My 2020 personal goal is to organise my home…. so that we are not surrounded by mess and I feel more relaxed and calm.

My 2020 personal goal is to organise my home… so that we can are not surrounded by mess, reducing my anxiety and making me happier and more present with my family.

My 2020 personal goal is to organise my home… so that reduce my anxiety and be a more present partner, parent and friend for those I love.

Sally Flower organised wardrobe
pstt …bonus goal writing tip
To expand your “so that”, ask yourself What would that mean? at the end of each abbreviation until you come up with your truest motivating goal.
For example:
….so that I feel more relaxed and calm. What would that mean? … I would reduce my anxiety, making me happier and more present.
…. What would that mean? … I would be a more present partner, parent and friend for those I love

4. Make it measurable

Make sure your goals are measurable and achievable. Measurable meaning you have clearly defined what success looks like, ideally with a value such as time, financial incentive, self-satisfaction or some other success measure.


For example, say our goal is to buy a house

Make it achievable & break it down into bite-sized pieces. Such as;

  • Investigate how much cash I would need for a deposit 
  • Review my spending

Now make it measurable;

  • Investigate how much cash I would need for a deposit by April
  • Review my spending, and increase my savings to match deposit

I suggest checking in on your goals every few months to make sure you are on track.

5. Turn it into a reality

Okay, so I told you to “dare to dream”, now is time to convert it from a dream to a reality. Success coach Jen Sincero says to “trust Universal Intelligence over your fears, have faith that what you desire already exists, and leap like the mighty badass that you are”

Positive thoughts will bring positive action, and negative thoughts will bring negative actions. Universal Intelligence, Laws of Attraction, whatever you want to call you, keep your words, thoughts and actions in check.

You want to be an author – Envisage yourself at your book launch
You want to find a partner – Talk positively about the process
You want to lose 10kg – Close your eyes and sense how great your body will feel at your ideal weight
Sally flower presenting on how to spark joy
My business grew from focused goals with a passion to helps families lead fulfilling lives & support environment through less

There you have it, you are set for your most successful new year yet. And don’t forget, there is no time like the present.

Why stop there?! Check out Tips to Decluttering and Simplifying your Life  & learn how to  Sell Secondhand Clothes

Home Sanctuary Mission

Home Sanctuary believes small changes in our environment can have a big impact on our wellbeing & lives of others.
Meet Sally
I will show you how to make the most of your space; provide advice on how to reduce your waste and declutter responsibly.

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