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5 Things You Should Declutter From Your Wardrobe

Sally Flower • June 29, 2020

It’s generally agreed that clothing is the easiest category to declutter. So why is it that so many of us struggle to reduce our wardrobes? After all, I stopped clothes shopping for fun in my twenties, and have been stripping back my wardrobe for years, yet somehow clothes still make up a big part of my possessions. However, I recently let go of the following five things out of my wardrobe, and I feel a lot lighter. 

If you’re looking for a place to start with your wardrobe declutter, might I suggest you join me?

You won’t miss those ‘must-haves’ (that you secretly don’t like), or that ill-fitting bra. Trust me, it’s time to let go of…

1. Declutter anything that makes you feel guilty

These might be items you paid a lot for but have hardly worn. They might be an overpriced pair of shoes that give you blisters, a gift you just can’t see yourself wearing, or high quality pieces you know should feel great, but they don’t. For me, it’s a pair of handmade, Brooklyn-designed pants that cost $500 but I’ve only worn a handful of times. Anything in your wardrobe that screams ‘you really should wear me more’, but doesn’t bring you joy – get rid of it.

Bonus – you’ll probably be able to sell some of these items and make a little extra cash. Check out  Selling Secondhand Clothes  to learn how.

Discard anything that doesn’t match your lifestyle

2. Items in your wardrobe that don’t suit your lifestyle

Like all areas in our home, our wardrobes must move with the seasons of our lives. Your wardrobe is a curated collection of items that show you off and help you lead the life you want to live. Anything in your wardrobe that doesn’t match your current lifestyle, thank it and discard.

Switched jobs and no longer need your old work outfits? Discard. Happily settled into a relationship with no need for that skimpy, first date dress? Discard. Done with clubbing and no longer wear your six-inch podium heels? Consider discarding.

Remember, intentional decluttering is more than just getting rid of some stuff. It is about reassessing how your clothes are making you feel and whether they add value to your life. It’s time to let go of anything that hasn’t grown with you.

3. Ill-fitting anything (especially underwear)

If your wardrobe is a carefully curated collection, then each piece should fit you well. After all, clothes should look good, and feel good to wear but for many of us, this is easier said than done. Fluctuating body weight can present difficulties, so if this is you, take Courtney Carver’s advice: box up and put away anything that doesn’t fit right now, and bring it back out when it does. Change your wardrobe to suit your body, not the other way around.

The reality is, clothes that are too small or too big probably don’t spark joy and shouldn’t be in your wardrobe. As for ill-fitting underwear, nobody’s got time for that!

4. Declutter those wardrobe “Must-have” basics

It may shock some of you to learn that I don’t own any basics. Okay sure, I own a white shirt and a pair of black socks, but not because I think they’re necessary wardrobe staples everyone should have. I have them because I love them and they feel good. I truly believe that there is no need to keep anything in your wardrobe because you’ve been told that it is a ‘must-have’ basic or a staple. Shift your thinking and only keep (and purchase) items that you love wearing and which work for you.

5. Declutter anything that doesn’t feel like YOU

If every time you open your wardrobe it frustrates you, or you’re always complaining ‘I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR’, something isn’t working, and it could be because nothing feels like ‘you’.

When we buy items based on how they look on a model in a magazine, or seasonal trends or for a ‘feel good boost’, we are not really dressing according to our own style. Of course, finding your own style can take time, and there is no need to pressure yourself. But I can guarantee if you dress to look like someone else you will feel like someone else, and no one is better than you.

If you want to keep rolling on the declutter train, and need a little support consider our personalised KonMari Consulting offerings, and sign up to our FREE 10 Day Challenge.

Make sure you read What Is The KonMari Method, and How To Use It. And if you’re after more wardrobe decluttering ideas, check out Project 333 by Courtney Carver. I have recently read the book and loved all of the ideas and tips. 

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Home Sanctuary believes small changes in our environment can have a big impact on our wellbeing & lives of others.
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